Item Code: HME14982
Weight: 100 grams
Size: 70 x 50 cm
Material: Cotton Canvas
Availability: In stock
Description of Deities Depicted
- Vajrasattva with Consort (Shakti):
Vajrasattva, embodying purity and spiritual transformation, is shown in a Yab-Yum union with his consort. This iconic symbolism highlights the primordial balance of wisdom (female) and compassion (male), integral to achieving enlightenment. - Shakyamuni Buddha:
Known as Gautama Buddha, he represents supreme awareness and enlightenment. His teachings center on understanding suffering and its cessation, emphasizing inner peace over material pursuits. Shakyamuni Buddha is depicted with serene composure, embodying the essence of compassionate understanding. - White Tara:
White Tara exudes loving compassion and peace, symbolizing longevity and healing. She represents the Four Measureless States: Loving-Kindness, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy, and Equanimity. Her presence fosters positive outcomes and encourages goodness in all aspects of life. - Namgyalma:
A deity associated with purification and longevity, Namgyalma’s mantra is believed to prevent rebirth in lower realms. Hearing her mantra is said to have profound transformative effects, ensuring a higher spiritual path. - Aparimita:
Representing long life and prosperity, Aparimita is often depicted with an ambrosia vase in dhyana mudra. A Sambhogakaya Buddha, he symbolizes spiritual and material fulfillment, always portrayed without a consort.
Introduction to Thangka Art
Thangkas are sacred Tibetan Buddhist artworks that:
- Materials: Painted on cotton canvas or silk with fine detail.
- Themes: Depict spiritual teachings, deities, and mandalas.
- Traditional Format: Unframed scrolls mounted on textile backings, with silk coverings for protection.
- Purpose: Aid meditation and visualization practices, preserving Buddhist teachings in a visual form.
Proper care ensures their longevity, making them treasures of spiritual and artistic value.
Significance of This Thangka
This intricate thangka serves as a spiritual guide, blending depictions of Vajrasattva with Consort and renowned deities like Shakyamuni Buddha, White Tara, and Namgyalma. It is ideal for:
- Meditation Practices: Enhances focus and spiritual connection.
- Collectible Art: A unique addition for collectors of sacred Tibetan art.
- Gifting: Perfect for occasions symbolizing blessings and longevity.
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